Trust Our Employment Agency for Staffing Services in Ohio.

We have over 30 years of local staffing experience

Unlock the Staffing Potential for Your Business

Trust our professional recruiters for staffing services in Zanesville, OH and beyond

Job Talent Connect harnesses more than three decades of staffing experience for local businesses searching for top talent to fill their open roles. The services at our employment agency aim to lower overhead costs, minimize overtime expenses and simplify the onboarding process. We offer full-time staffing, as well as seasonal, temporary and temp-to-hire. Short-term contracts allow you to evaluate employees before making a permanent decision. Our goal is to help small and large businesses attain and achieve their productivity targets through our transparent services.

Are you a job seeker looking for your next role in the Ohio? Call 740-617-8370 today to learn how our professional recruiters can help.

Staffing Services



Work Force Programs

Our services at a glance

Our professional recruiters are trained to help job seekers and employers find the right fit for their needs. You can feel confident coming to us for:

  • Staffing services
  • Job hunt assistance services
  • Recruitment services
  • Skill development services
  • Employee transportation services

We have roles in various manufacturing, industrial and office environments. Reach out to learn more about how we can help you.

Navigating Careers, Empowering Local Businesses
Helping businesses and local talent connect

What makes our agency stand out?

At Job Talent Connect, we're committed to giving our clients a top-tier experience throughout their services. We're frequently chosen over other employment agencies because we:

Our goal is to provide businesses with cost-effective and efficient staffing solutions. Contact our employment agency today to get started.


Have over 30 years of local staffing expertise


Have a sense of community


Are honest and trustworthy


Value honesty and integrity

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